Members' Shared Original Scripts
The purpose of this page is to share a searchable, growing list of plays that are free for members to legally use!
Any play listed here has been contributed by a member of our network who is the author of the play. Although anyone can view this list, you will only be able to download the files if you are signed in as a member. This is to protect the intellectual property rights of the owner/author, while still building a growing list of original plays that members can access.
A person new to theatre should be aware that using other people's Intellectual Property (scripts, songs etc), without the owner's permission is strictly prohibited with possible legal and financial consequences. These plays are shared by the author on condition that they will be free to use under certain conditions. Standards in use must be upheld, such as:
- acknowledging the playwright when promoting the performance;
- the play, script and other items is not used for a commercial or corporate enterprise (eg not for filmmaking etc)
- not making changes to the script without the permission of the playwright;
- letting the playwright know about your performance of their piece.
However, there have been community plays that have grown and evolved as they have been passed around and shared. We wouldn't want to stifle that creativity! Just talk to the author.
For example, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat was originally a 20 minute school play, which gradually grew. Bush Theatre Network would like to promote a similar type of process, and further, to sustain a culture of shared community-owned co-creation. We believe that this could aid developing playwrights as well as community-based theatrical projects with limited resources.
If you have a play you could share, please contact us
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Aunt Bette's Homemade Pecan Pie |
Rockin’ Rocky Road Ice Cream |
Tom’s Heavenly Apple Strudel |
Joe’s Divine Butter Tarts |
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